Friday, June 23, 2006

Campus Rave :)

This campus is really cool...seemingly the sole consolation in what might be an extremely traumatic existence.
Watch out for these 'Campus Raves' from time to time. This one isnt, but subsequent ones will probably be me trying to reach out to whoever will listen that I want to be extricated from this mess I have got myself into ;)...so whoever reads it, please answer my call...

But for now, enjoy...

The famed Valley of the 'Valley-facing' fame...

The amphitheatre from the Night canteen...

Valley from the NC...

And here's a bunch of blurry people...L-R Madhavi, Jayesh, Ananya and Aruna.

It was a rainy, cloudy, foggy day (as most days are around here) and perfect for sitting in the canteen with cups of coffee. NC is awesome.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Calm before the Storm

This last week has been awesome. We get to chill out at this incredible campus with absolutely nothing to do...
We got this prof who is not audible or comprehensible. BUT, he does not give us anything to do, which makes him a Grade A Chap.
The last few days have been like so - wake up, go for a walk in scenic, idyllic environs, have a leisurely breakfast, a relaxed bath, go to class, have lunch and then do NOTHING all day...

Here is some of the nothing we did -

What more could we have asked for? I was extremely pissed off that I had to come here so early, I didnt get time in Pune, Bangalore but since I got here, Im glad I did come. Settling down in peace is a lot of fun. Fun bunch here, get to know a relatively under-control number of people and have these people you know before the whole gang arrives...

I am not really thinking about life after the 26th, when the course starts, but I do have the feeling (esp from the wicked way our prof smiles at us ;) ) that this is just like a lull before the Storm :)

Monday, June 12, 2006


First class today - Numbers and Number theory!

It was almost like I haven't had these 2 years of work in between...the same sitting outside class waiting for the prof to come - only this time, outside of class is this really awesome courtyard with wide, long granite benches :) - fighting to stay awake because the prof is so extremely soporific and then rushing out even before the guy can say 'Thank you' ;)
It was good to be back in class.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The day it all began

11th June 2006

I am going to remember this day for as long as I live or my memory lasts, whichever comes first...
I reached Kozhikode (Calicut ring a louder bell? No? OK, North Kerala) early in the morning by bus from Blr. My mother and sister and the greatest, they came with me and I am really glad they did. I have had this weird feeling since yesterday and for the first time ever I guess, I was glad that they came along.

The first view of the campus...

Pretty impressive, eh...

Amazingly enough, I got to my room 10 mins after we got into the campus (or Kampus as I have been told to call, oops Kall it!! I think thats the last time Im doing that...), got my stuff in and we headed out to explore...the place is truly incredible. The open lawns and the building style and the sheer beauty of the place...its like a resort down to the demand for 'Valley-facing' rooms!

This is from somewhere near my room...

Lunch was pretty good.

Since Im going to be eating here for the next 2 years, I convinced myself that the lunch is awesome. But judging from the looks on my mom and sis's face, Im in trouble...

All in all, it feels good. I am going to be here for 2 years and my first thought on getting here was - Wow! this is nice - which is always a good sign :)

Watch this space for more of my (mis?)adventures here; the ups and downs, highs and lows, crests and troughs of doing a Yem Bee Yay.